Friday 27th of November 2015
Dave Laws, chief executive of Newcastle International Airport picked up the esteemed North East Business Executive of the Year award in an event that brought together over 400 members of the local business community. The airport’s chief executive has been instrumental in taking the airport to new heights and giving it the chance to expand in new and exciting ways, great for the expansion of the North East’s business region and bringing more business to the area.
Laws has been an employee of the airport for over 30 years and has helped to cement its strong position in the region and also positioning it as an important base for many airlines. He was instrumental in bringing in the new and lucrative scheduled route to Dubai, agreed in his first year as chief executive in 2007 and in 2015 he has also brought flights to New York to Newcastle International Airport.
October also saw Newcastle Airport named as the top airport by more than 11,200 readers of the consumer magazine Which? and this again is more than in part due to the work Laws and his team has done in the last eight years since his appointment. The airport has benefited from a huge £14m development programme and buoyed by this award win it is clear Dave Laws will be looking to improve upon 2015 and make 2016 even better. Speaking at the awards event he said “to be recognised by the people of the North East like this is the best accolade anyone could get.”
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